Bringing Together Local Businesses & Neighbors of Union, KY

Mike Murphy

Executive Producer, Good Neighbor Podcast Union, KY

Publisher, Neighbors of Union and Florence Union Connector Magazines


As a local business owner who owned an operated a regional marketing agency for nearly a decade, I have keen insight into how our NKY business community can impart their unique message to local residents. I use education and storytelling to build your trust and credibility among local consumers. I let people see you as a human worth investing in…because they see themselves in you!


  • To bring the local businesses and residents of Northern Kentucky together.

  • To enhance the ‘Know, Like and Trust Factor’ of our featured guest and their


  • To provide our featured guest a valuable resource that can be used in numerous ways to grow their business.

Want to get your business featured on the podcast?


Mike Murphy

Executive Producer, Good Neighbor Podcast: Union

Publisher: Neighbors of Union, Florence Union Connector


(859) 651-8330

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